
Verify displaying the image as decorative if the img element has the attribute aria-hidden=true and without its own alt value.

Verify displaying the image as decorative if the img element has the attribute aria-hidden=true and with own alt value.

This is the Statue of Liberty, a popular tourist attraction located on Ellis Island.

Verify displaying the image as decorative if the img element has the attribute role = presentation and without its own alt value.

Verify displaying the image as decorative if the img element has the attribute role = presentation and with own alt value.

text for image #2

Verify displaying the image as decorative if the img element has the attribute role = none and without its own alt value.

Verify displaying the image as decorative if the img element has the attribute role = none and with own alt value.

text for image #3

Verify displaying the image as decorative if the img element has the attribute display:none and without own alt value

Verify displaying the image as decorative if the img element has the attribute display:none and with own alt value

text for image #4 display-none